Friday, December 12, 2008

trying to get a Sears credit card

So, my husband applied for a Sears credit card through KMart. He got a letter in the mail a few days later saying the application could not be approved, and the reason given didn’t make any sense to us. It stated “unable to comply with consumer statement”.

I know he has excellent credit, and there was no reason he shouldn't have been approved. I didn't want to give up so easily.

I called the number on the letter, but could only get a computer voice - no actual person. I even went back to the store to ask about it, but got no help, other than a phone number. I called the number, got transferred, etc. I finally found out what I wanted to know after calling 1-800-663-4850. For some weird reason, Equifax told the credit card company that there was a statement on his credit report that someone would have to contact him for verification before any credit could be issued. I’m quite sure there is no statement on his account - we even got the free report we’re allowed for the ‘denial’ of credit - no consumer statement on there. Well, anyway, once he talked to the lady on the phone, the card was approved, and should be here within 10 days.

I thought this information could be very helpful to some people. When he got the letter, I googled “unable to comply with consumer statement” - even added the quotes, and it came up with just one site - someone posted the question on a forum several years ago, and there was no real answer given - just some speculation. So, if anyone else out there (according to the website I did find, and things I heard when asking around, apparently it’s rather common with this company), maybe I can spare them the run around. I already did it - why should anyone else have to? So, the end result is, if you get a letter like that, call 1-800-663-4850, and answer some questions. There’s at least some chance that you will then be approved.

Good luck!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

my first blog

I love the idea of being able to say what is on my mind, anonymously. I have no idea if anyone will read any of my posts, or care. Or if anyone who actually reads them will agree or disagree. But, to borrow some words from "the sunscreen song", all I can say is that this has no basis other than my own meandering experience. Some things I post in the future might have more to do with my thoughts than my actual experiences. I hope to remember to make sure to let people know when that's the case.