Saturday, February 19, 2011

more reasons I love my husband

I wish I had more time to write my posts. It's difficult, since I am working, going to school, and have children.

I really don't know how I'd get by without my husband. He's a wonderful person, and very helpful. Not only does he do at least his half of the housework (ok, probably more than half), but he takes care of a whole bunch of other things. He does the yardwork, house repairs, and quite a bit of child care - and he's their stepfather. (Stepfather - what a weird term. He is more involved with my kids than their own father was when we were together.) I have to leave very early for work most mornings, so he's the one who gets them off to school. I have no idea what I'd do if he wasn't here. There aren't any daycare centers that I know of that could take care of them in the morning and then get them off to school when it was time. I haven't found an option where I could wait until they left for school before I went to work. Or even one where I could leave late enough every day to drop them off at the before-school program. So, my husband taking care of my children in the morning is the only way I'm able to work.

He also takes care of things I wouldn't know how to do - computer repair, for example. Or like now - there's something weird going on. Water leaking into a room from... we don't know where. He checked something out front to see if there was a blockage in the drain pipe. He's been using the carpet cleaner to suck up the water that's seeping into the carpet in there. I'm not sure what he's going to do next, but I really appreciate what he's doing.

He can fix just about anything. The rest he at least tries to fix. It's saved us a lot of money, which is good. Especially now that we're in a place where money is short. We're scraping by on meager paychecks (working toward better things for both of us), student loans, and overdraft credit cards.

My sweetie does awesome things too. Like yesterday - he gave me a body massage for no reason. And then set up the jacuzzi - we soaked in there together, which was wonderful. I know - most people would figure he was just leading up to sex. Well, he wasn't. First of all, that's not a problem for us. We're quite active, and neither of us has to do anything special to get it started. All either of us has to do is suggest it, and we're there. Nearly every day. Second, he knew that yesterday was one of those few times it wasn't going to happen. Bad cramps are one of the few things that will stop us, and yesterday was one of those days. So, he wasn't desperate, but he also knew it was a "no-go" day. That's what made it even sweeter. A massage and jacuzzi soak just because he loves me.

I love my husband!

Ok, I'd love to write more, but I really have to get back to the paper I'm working on for school. Sigh.