Saturday, January 22, 2011

my husband

This is just one example of why I love my husband so much.

My sister and I were wondering where our father was since no one seemed to be able to reach him for a while. It's not that unusual - he's not always available when his phone rings, and doesn't quite get the whole voice mail system. Anyway, it turns out he had some car problems and was staying with a relative. Since someone had finally reached him, he asked for someone to pick him up and take him home. For us, that would have been a day trip - to drive there, then to his house, and then home would've taken at least 10 hours. My sister told me, though, that someone in the family was already on the way to get him. Someone who lived in the area. So there was no need to go.

The thing is - as soon as my husband heard the beginning of the story, he immediately said we had to leave to go get him. I think that's so sweet. Especially since my husband has only been in the country for a few years, and has only seen my dad on occasion. Oh - and also since my dad is...... well, ..... opinionated. He tends to make comments that offend some people. Since my husband is from a different sort of background than my family, some of those comments were rather insulting to my husband. My husband feels that we don't abandon family even when we're unhappy with something about them.

I agree.

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